
2020/04/12 Look here! How do we help solve clients problems?

Why are your services needed?   
IF you have no sourcing base in Taiwan to manufacture your parts, we had small and medium qualified factories base on hand to quickly expend your parts, meet cost, quality and schedule at same time.  

How do you help solve your clients problems? 
We could be your local sourcing base, your EYEs, one step services window, many qualified factories meet various manufacture process parts on your product.

Why can clients not go to parts suppliers themselves?  

IF you have no sourcing base in Taiwan, you will waste a lot of time to try some factories meet you or not.  One step services window for your various parts could effectively reduce your search resources.

Why do clients need our help?  
As a purchaser, you need to meet Quality, Cost,Delivery, Serivce (QCDS), We know it well, and we have faced it before.  So, we could provide one step service, because our capacity depend on  I used to be a product engineer and a quality control person, I also have seven yrs of purchasing experience in an international company.

# In Post-Pandemic Era, you really need more second sources to share supply risks , any confirmed case may will cause someone factory be shut down the influence delivery and out of stock issues.